COVID-19 Sanctuary Worship Guidelines

Hillcrest Baptist Church

COVID-19 Sanctuary Worship Guidelines

(Please make sure you follow the Ushers directions)


These guidelines are established using recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prince George’s County Health Department. Due to the nature of the circumstances, this policy will be periodically reviewed, and is subject to change without notice.


We are at a time and place where it is not yet safe for the full congregation to use the Sanctuary and full church property, and we are therefore making use of online services and small group gatherings to maintain collective worship opportunities and community. However, we are at a point where enough information is available about COVID prevention that in-person worship in the Sanctuary can occur reasonably safely, using the following guidelines:

  • All participants are strongly encouraged to be fully vaccinated, especially those at risk for serious COVID disease. Vaccination does not preclude all precautions, including wearing of masks at all times, distancing, and use of hand sanitizer.
  • All worshipers must wear a face mask and wear them at all times.  We will have some available if you do not have one.
  • We ask that all children under the age of 12 not attend in person service at this time. 
  • Worship will be held in the sanctuary provided appropriate precautions are followed by all.
  •  Anyone not feeling well, running a temperature above 100.5 or with recent (within 2 weeks) known coronavirus exposure must not  attend.
  • Anyone who becomes ill within 10 days of attending worship must notify the church office immediately.
  • Persons at risk for severe COVID-19 illness (including those over the age of 65, or with heart or lung disease, or diabetes, or immune suppression) should use their own judgement when attending.
  • Hand sanitizer will be available in the hallways and bathrooms, and should be used when entering and exiting the building.
  • Ushers will seat families at 6-foot intervals in every other pew.
  • Worshipers will enter through the double doors at the rear of the church only, which will be opened 30 minutes before the service, maintaining 6 feet of distance between families as they enter. All other entrances will be open after service for exit only.
  • Doors will be propped open to prevent the necessity of touching the knobs and handles.
  • Restrooms to be used are limited to those on the first floor of the building.  Educational Wing and Fellowship Hall restrooms will not be available.  Handicap restroom will be available.
  • At the conclusion of the service, the ushers will dismiss worshipers by row so as to maintain distance.
  • Worshipers will greet each other with a wave or head nod, as there will be no hugging, hand shaking, or other physical contact.
  • Communion will be served on the first Sunday of each month only (unless changed by the Pastor).  Elements will be picked up before entering the Sanctuary from a designated staff.  Please do not leave the elements in the pews.  Place in trash receptacles outside the Sanctuary.
  • You may pay your tithes and offering on-line or drop in offering basket before entering and exiting the Sanctuary.
  • All utilized rooms will be cleaned and sanitized within 24-48 hours following the service.
  • Sunday Morning Service will begin at 10:30 AM
  • Sunday School will continue to be virtual but, start at 9:00 AM – 9:45 AM.
  • Nursery will not be provided.
  • Children’s Church will continue to be held virtually.
  • All water coolers will be covered or removed.
  • Bottled water will be provided as needed.
  • Baptism will be done for vaccinated persons at the present time (must show proof).
  • Funerals will be for immediate family members only.
  • Viewings will be in and out.
  • No repast held at the church. 

Submitted:  17 May 2021

Revised:  29 August 2021

Note:  Guidelines are subject to change.

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